Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lost glove....

Last night a few of the friends from our book study was invited to attend the graduation dinner of Juanito, an unbaptized publisher. I was not feeling too great because I had an ear ache and my throat was sore. However, I wanted to show my support and go to the dinner. Angelita and I took a taxi since we were instructed to be there at 8pm. Well, upon exiting the taxi, I left behind my right hand leather glove. I was so upset that I did not check to make sure I had everything with me. I kept thinking, I had only one pair and what am I to do because the days are just going to get colder. Oh well, I stopped pouting and enjoyed the occasion. We all had a great time, great food and a lot of dancing. And, what a blessing it was when I woke up in the morning to a sunny day!

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