Friday, July 18, 2008

The Angels Direction

For the last two days or so, it has been warm. I am thankful to Jehovah for these sunny days. It´s a nice break from the cold. Yesterday after Norma and I did a study, we went to do return visits. I told her that I had left a Bible Teach book with teenager and was suppose to start the study last Friday. However, he was not there and he could have been on vacation like many in the community. Well, we go to his house and Norma discovered that they had a door bell, which we rung. No one replied, so we left after a few minutes. When we went to do Norma´s return visit/study, guess who was walking down the street? It was Esteban´s mother, Mariana. She greeted us and said that her son was in fact home but probably didn´t hear us because he is cleaning the house. (I am so happy that we have the angel to help direct the preaching work!) We follow her back to her home and Esteban practically ran out to greet us. He said that during the day he is not home but we can return on Friday to answer his question about what the Bible says abou Martial it bad or good and why. Earlier, his mother told us that he has Kung Fu practice in the morning and that the afternoons will be better for us to visit him. Well, we will see today if he accepts what the Bible has to say on the subject.
Afterwards, Norma and I went to another one of my studies. According to Joselyn´s brother, she was vacationing in Guayaquil and he was not sure when she would return. Upon our visit yesterday, her brother approached the gate and said that their mother said they are Catholics and not to return to give Joselyn study. Although, I was somewhat sadden by this, I was still beaming from meeting up with Estaben and this news did not damper my day too much. Especially, I recall wha the bible says about us planting but it´s Jehovah that makes it grow. So, one never knows what Jehovah is going to do.

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