Friday, December 26, 2008

a tremendous blessing

One of the two bible studies that I have told me that she wanted to become an unbaptized publisher and that the elders in Batán where her and her family attend wanted to talk to me on Sunday after the meeting. So, I accompanied her to the meeting and afterwards we sat in the backroom. I sat quiet and prayed to Jehovah to help Jennifer recall all that she had been taught. I was so happy that I had my jacket on because I was so nervious and was sweating up a storm. After about 30 minutes of the elders questioning Jennifer, the brothers gave Jennifer (12 years old) their congrats and told me that I could make arrangements to go out in service with her. I was so happy! What a wonderful blessing from Jehovah. We made arrangements to go out in service but Jennifer was not able to accompany me because she helps her mom sell things at the market. Between school, chores at home and meetings, she said it´s a little easier for her to go with her mom in service for right now. I was somewhat sad but understood. Hopefully soon, we will be able to go preaching together.

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